MLA Weeds Case Study Glenalpine | Page 2

Glenalpine grazier , BARRY O ' SULLIVAN : Weeds are our biggest challenge .


Weed management is a heavy user of our time and therefore , a great expense on our business .
However , if we don ’ t start eradicating weeds , the job will become out of control , especially considering the amount of seed that continues being spread .
Being involved with a group , and having professional advisers to help with technical information , as well as monitoring sites , gave me the motivation to get into it .
It was good to be able to compare equipment , and poisoning applications and techniques .


• Attended biosecurity , chemical application , and vehicle clean-down training .
• Established designated wash-down area and high pressure air and water clean-down facility .
• Established and implemented vehicle hygiene protocols for all vehicles entering the property .
Glenalpine generally has intact vegetation with limited historical tree clearing .
This creates some challenges with managing dense invasive weeds on heavier clay soils and , particularly , with intact vegetation in riparian areas along creeks and rivers .
The O ’ Sullivans were seeking control methods which limited damage to the environment .
After initial weed removal ( left ) and the result ( right ) following rain and rest .