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Connection keeps your brain healthy .
Over recent decades the scientific evidence has mounted to demonstrate that positive , nurturing relationships and regular social interaction are as important for brain health as regular exercise and healthful eating . Loneliness and isolation can be as harmful as smoking or not exercising enough . Make it a priority to maintain existing relationships and build new ones . Connect regularly with others in-person , over the telephone or online . ( But limit time spent in anonymous online interactions , such as scrolling through social media ; studies show that this can ultimately stress us out or even increase our feelings of isolation over time .)


The answers to better brain health and care are in you .
Researchers are learning more about how the brain changes over time and how to treat and even prevent disease . No matter your age or health , you can help build understanding of the spectacular human brain . Sharing your experiences and participating in research studies is one way to take control of your health journey and to advance research progress .
Better Brain Health | Four Tenets for a Healthy Brain 05