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Section 03 — When Parkinson ’ s Risk Becomes Parkinson ’ s Diagnosis
As you learn about Parkinson ’ s disease ( PD ), especially if you are living with one or more known risk factors for the disease , you may wonder how to know if you have it and what will happen if you do . First and foremost , it is important to maintain perspective . The majority of people living with risk factors for Parkinson ’ s do not go on to get the disease . Because information is an antidote to toxic worry , this section describes some of the experiences and responses that are part of being diagnosed with PD .
How do I get tested for Parkinson ’ s ?
Many are surprised ( and disheartened ) to find that there is no test your doctor can order to determine if you have PD . No blood test , brain scan or other lab test can , by itself , tell if you do or don ’ t have the disease . Similarly , no test can predict if you ’ ll get PD . ( The Parkinson ’ s Progression Markers Initiative study , PPMI , is working to change that .)
Read more on page 54 .
Currently , the only way to know that you have Parkinson ’ s is to see a doctor who is an expert on the disease , a movement disorder specialist . To evaluate for PD , the physician talks with you and your loved ones about your symptoms , how long you ’ ve had them , if they ’ re changing , and more . They also carefully watch how you move and walk .
46 The Michael J . Fox Foundation for Parkinson ’ s Research