MJFF_Better-Brain-Health_Single_6.21.22 | Page 42

Parkinson ’ s Risk Factors continued
Section 02 — Understanding and Living with Risk Factors

Parkinson ’ s Risk Factors continued

What you can do :
+ Take charge of your health Many veterans qualify for free or low-cost health care and services , including regular checkups and medication , at the VA . For those with a service-connected illness , such as Parkinson ’ s due to Agent Orange or other exposures , the VA covers all care related to the illness . In some cases , family members also may be eligible for certain benefits .
Learn more at va . gov / health-care / eligibility .
If you experience PD symptoms , such as tremor , slowness , stiffness or acting out your dreams , see a Parkinson ’ s doctor — a movement disorder specialist — at one of the six VA Parkinson ’ s Disease Research , Education , and Clinical Centers ( PADRECCs ) or 51 Consortium Centers across the United States . Your primary doctor or neurologist can make a referral .
Learn more at parkinsons . va . gov .
+ Advocate for Parkinson ’ s research and policies The Parkinson ’ s Research Program at the Department of Defense ( DoD ) is a government-funded research program dedicated to PD . It fills research gaps by , for example , studying links between military service and Parkinson ’ s . The Michael J . Fox Foundation , along with the PD community , advocates to increase funding for this and other governmentsponsored Parkinson ’ s research . Advocates also push for support of Parkinson ’ s care needs , such as access to medications ; care partner assistance ; and physical , occupational and mental health therapy coverage .
Examples of successful advocacy for Parkinson ’ s include :
– Expanding the list of Agent Orange presumptive diseases to include parkinsonism , or Parkinson ’ s-like symptoms , such as tremor , slowness or stiffness . Parkinsonism can be caused not only by Parkinson ’ s but also by long-term use of certain medications , multiple small strokes , or conditions similar to PD , such as Dementia with Lewy Bodies ( DLB ), Multiple System Atrophy ( MSA ) or Progressive Supranuclear Palsy ( PSP ).
– Allowing Navy Vietnam veterans with Parkinson ’ s or parkinsonism who served in offshore waters to file a disability claim with the VA to receive benefits . ( Agent Orange-related benefits previously were limited to “ boots on the ground ” veterans .)
– Maintaining funding for the Department of Defense Parkinson ’ s Research Program .
Ongoing policy efforts include advocating for further research and education on the effects of environmental factors , an increase in funding for the DoD Parkinson ’ s Research Program , and enhanced care for veterans with TBI , as well as others .
To get involved , visit michaeljfox . org / advocacy .
+ Contribute to research Veterans — regardless of health status or location of military service — have valuable experiences to contribute to research . Many veterans say that volunteering for research is a way they can continue to serve , well beyond military duty . Research studies are exploring military and environmental links to Parkinson ’ s and other brain diseases to better understand , treat and ultimately prevent them .
One of these studies , the Parkinson ’ s Progression Markers Initiative ( PPMI ), welcomes veterans both with and without Parkinson ’ s . PPMI follows participants over time to learn how and why disease comes on and to develop ways to diagnose and treat it earlier .
Learn more and join at michaeljfox . org / ppmi-study .
40 The Michael J . Fox Foundation for Parkinson ’ s Research