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Take the

The Nose Knows : Smell Loss and Your Brain
Our sense of smell plays an important role in monitoring brain health as we age . Unlike temporary smell loss associated with COVID-19 , ongoing and progressive smell loss as we age can be a signal of early cell damage associated with brain disease . Now , preliminary results from the first 20,000 individuals to enroll in PPMI indicate that smell loss may be one of the most important signals of risk as we age .
Click on the link below to request a simple scratch-and-sniff test . We ’ ll mail you a test , which takes about 15 minutes to complete , and share your results with the scientific experts leading The Michael J . Fox Foundation ’ s PPMI study .
Sniffing Out Risk
The scratch-and-sniff test you ’ ll receive is one of the most trusted and reliable used by doctors and scientists to assess the olfactory system . While it takes only a few minutes to complete , it is considered the “ gold standard ” to check on the health of your sense of smell .

Test Challenge

Request a Sniff Test
michaeljfox . org / smelltest or scan the QR code with your smartphone to request your test .
Better Brain Health | Section 01 — Caring for Your Brain at Any Age 19