Mizrachi SA Jewish Observer - Pesach 2016 | Page 48

EVOLUTION EVOLUTION degree first intended for man, and he became suited only for a much lower level (Ramchal, The Way of God.. Part 2:2). Creation, the creatures were not made in perfect anatomical form, and they continued to develop and change along the way. Several examples for this involve Adam. The first man is described as a creature in an intermediate developmental stage: he had joined fingers and only from the period of Noah and onward were h umans born with separate fingers (Midrash Avkir on Genesis 5:29); he had a tail or a sting (Babylonian Talmud, ibid.); he fathered strange creatures and only from Seth onward did the human race come into existence (Babylonian Talmud, Eruvin 18b). It seems that these sources testify to the possible dynamics of creation. This principle, which is deeply rooted in Chazal, was developed by the Kabbalists. They compared the descent of the world from its proper level to “broken vessels.” Yet, they emphasised that the descent is not without ascent, neither are the broken vessels beyond repair. “The worlds were created in a way which would enable their eventual ascent, since the purpose of their descent at the time of the breaking of vessels was to gradually ascend until reaching the level of perfection which existed prior to the breaking of the vessels” (Ramchal, Klach Pitchei Chochma, 12:1), or as Rabbi Kook put it:’’ This descent has the foundation for greater ascent stored within” (Kook, Orot Hateshuva). THE SPIRITUAL DIMENSION: THE KABBALISTIC APPROACH ACCORDING TO RABBI ABRAHAM ISAAC KOOK Modern evolutionary theory constitutes a central place in the philosophical thought of Ra