Mizhani Movements Winter Issue 72 | Page 10

What is Sage ?

Sage has become very popular in the West ( Western world ). What was once looked at as something associated with sorcery and witchcraft is now a go-to tool for removing negative vibes and energy . Sage has been used since ancient times for healing and to clear the build-up of emotional or spiritual negativity . There are many types of sage but the sage that is mostly used for cleansing is dried white sage . Burning sage is one of the oldest and purest methods of cleansing a person , group of people , or space in our human history . Scientific studies have shown that the medicinal properties of sage smoke are a powerful antiseptic that can purify the air of 94 % of harmful bacteria for up to 24 hours . The electromagnetic field ( aura ) around our body , as well as the energy in our environment , can become blocked with harmful positive ions that can make us feel fatigued , sluggish , and burnt out . Burning sage or other herbs neutralizes the positive charge and releases large amounts of negative ions into the atmosphere . This means that our own energy , and the energy around us , will feel lighter and calmer .
Burning herbs has been a popular method of purification in many religions and cultures . Christian churches smudge with frankincense and myrrh . Incense is commonly burned in Asia and in Buddhist temples , and the Incas burned palo santo wood . It has been a tradition in South America for hundreds of years . Once the sacred plant is burned , the cloud of smoke that emanates is used to prepare for prayer ceremonies , rituals , and purification . Smudging is believed to heighten the sensitivity of healers , or medicine men so that they achieve an enhanced state of mind and can effectively assess and treat illness .