Mizhani Movements Winter Issue 72 | Page 21

What are the 7 Chakras ? When exploring the chakras , it ’ s best to start with the bottom . Below is a list of each chakra , starting with the base of the spine and moving up . Given is the chakra name , location , color , and function . Root ( 1st ) — Base of the spine ; red ; governs survival instincts , grounding . Sacral ( 2nd ) — Lower abdomen ; orange ; governs sexuality , intuition , self-worth / - esteem . Solar Plexus ( 3rd ) — Upper abdomen ; yellow ; governs impulse control , ego . Heart ( 4th ) — Center of the chest ; green ; governs compassion , spirituality . Throat ( 5th ) — Throat ; blue ; governs communication , emotion . Third Eye ( 6th ) — Between the eyes ; purple ; governs rationality , wisdom , imagination . Crown ( 7th ) — Top of the head ; indigo ; governs connection with the Divine .
Blocked Chakras Anytime a chakra becomes blocked , underactive , or overactive , it can throw you off balance physically , emotionally , mentally , and spiritually . For example , if you have ever experienced trouble expressing yourself , felt like you ’ re walking around in an emotional “ fog ,” or suffered through several bouts of laryngitis or sore throats these are all signs you may have an imbalanced throat chakra .
Generally speaking , when chakras are “ off ,” the body is excellent in letting you know which chakra is off . When you consider all the signs you are experiencing , be they physical or not , odds are they ’ re centered around the area of the affected chakra . So I know you are thinking " what do I do when my chakras are out of balance "? That my dear is simple . Just like there are several ways to get chakras out of balance there are several ways to get them back balanced . Check out some of the ways below . Reiki Conscious breathing Tai Chi Chakra meditation Acupressure and acupuncture Yoga Aromatherapy Another common form of energy healing is the use of healing crystals . Healing Crystals can be used to balance and remove stagnate energy from your chakras . There are several Chakra stones that can be used based on color to correspond to individual chakras . Cleansed and charged prior to use , you can place seven chakra stones on your chakras . Each stone possesses a vibrational frequency that matches that of the chakra over which it is placed . As the chakra absorbs the stone ’ s frequency , its balance is restored . www . asknaturalwoman . com