Miteck systems Pvt. Ltd Miteck systems Product catalogue | Page 8

F LAP GATE VALVE P UG MILL/ ASH CONDITIONERS T he Pugmill/Ash conditioner is applicable to many industries. Where pollu- tion control is a factor, the mill effectively blends dust recovered from such equipment as electrostatic precipitators, mechanical collectors and bag houses with various liquids, thus allowing transport without the particulate matter escaping into the air.The Pugmaster also lets you recover valuable elements such as lead, iron and copper and return them to the process stream. This is especially beneficial in sintering, as it returns the recovered dust to the process providing a closed circuit. T he conditioners are designed to work on a continuous The Double-Flap gate Airlock Valve is specifically designed to control the rate of material flow through a system, while at the same time preventing air leakage by isolating the processing system’s pressures. Unlike a rotary valve that inevitably has some air leakage because of the clearanceequired between the blades and the housing, The Double-Flap gate Airlock Valve is designed to seal completely and isn’t subject to the kind of wear that rotary valves would endure under extreme application conditions basis accepting a controlled feed of material from either a screw feeder, or rotary valve etc. Paddle blade formation is set to give the most efficient mixing action with water being added by an arrangement of The Double-Flap gate Airlock Valves are designed for high-pressure applications up to 20 psi and temperature extremes up to900˚C or higher depending upon the application. atomised spray nozzles up to 30% by weight. Double-flap gate product that can operate reliably in pneumatic conveying systems at these pressures. All models are offered with a choice of pneumatic, electro-mechanical or gravity/counterweight actuation. A triple flap gate configuration is also available if better suited to your particular application. All Conditioners are of heavy duty design, of single or twin shaft formation, material of construction can be mild steel or stainless steel. Throughput rates depend upon the type and properties of the product being handled. Cleeve will specify the Pugmill mixer /Ash conditioner machine size, length, speed and power to suit the actual plant and capacity requirements. MOTORIZED DOUBLE FLAP GATE VALVE Hard faced baldes Replacebale blades The Pneumatic -Series-Double Flapgate Airlock Valves are designed for medium-pressure applications and standard temperatures to 400°C These units are an excellent, economical alternative to rotary valves. All models match the standard industry flange pattern and height. PNEUMATIC DOUBLE FLAP GATE VALVE DESIGN FEATURES AND BENEFITS Top feed opening can be modified to mate with equipment supplied by other manufactures. Paddle shafts, flanged at both ends, simplify maintenance; permit removal of entire assembly Timing gears are sealed in a heavy duty oil bath case which features fill and drain points and an oil level gauge. These gears allow for paddle intermeshing which provides a vigorous mixing action The four spray pipes are connected to a common header and are equipped with spray nozzles. Individual control valves meter the proper amount of various wetting agents to each pipe. 17 DOUBLE CONE GATE VALVE Miteck’s Heavy duty series ensure a reliable, long-lasting seal even when the material is abrasive or corrosive.This type units are suitable for pressure differentials of up to 20 inches water gauge. However with special consideration to the contact points between the inlet and the cone, a seal can be incorporated to allow pressures up to 15 psi. 18