Missy Ink Magazine Missy Ink Magazine - Fall 2015 - Censorship | Page 94

ASK Dear Emily, Seeing as this issues topic is censorship, do you have any experience with outside influences trying to censor or silence you? How do you handle the pressure to be or act a certain way as a model, or even a woman? (not saying you conform, but the pressure is there!). Such a good question. I do feel a lot of pressure as a woman STILL to censor myself. We live in a world where we are looked at as easy or not respectful of our bodies if we want to show them. I feel even more pressure as a mother. I know PLENTY of incredible women who show their bodies and are the absolute most respectable women on this planet. I handle the pressure by staying true to my beliefs. I look at those judging and simply wave a hand of gratitude for their opinions but I don’t let if effect me. I am damn proud of who I have become and many don’t agree with it, those that do? I keep very close to my heart. Em i l y, I find yo u to be an i nspi rati on! Can yo u g ive me so me di recti on on the best way t o stave p o sit ive ; you always have a great o u t lo o k o n yo u r soci al medi a even when t i m es a re l e ss tha n easy. Thank you so much for sayin