Missy Ink Magazine Missy Ink Magazine - Fall 2015 - Censorship | Page 92

MODEL CITIZEN Over-sexualizing women in order to sell an image is what sabotages our chances of having the right to show our nipples without any issue. I strongly believe that if our society was to stop over-sexualizing females and we became more comfortable with showing our breasts more often, then the sight of female nipples would become desensitized over time. Then, it would be just as normal for women to go topless as it is for men. And who knows, maybe stopping the over-sexualisation of the female form and the desensitization of female Missy/Ink | Issue 18 nipples will change the world in more ways than we think. Maybe it would stop slut shaming or even change rape culture for the better. Maybe it will remove gender roles and even out the playing field. Maybe it will aid the LGBTQ community and help trans members feel more comfortable in their bodies. Maybe it will be the next step to becoming completely comfortable being nude in public without having 92 to deal with sexual harassment or judgment. In my perfect world, this would all be true, but there is no way in finding out unless we try. Until then, keep posting topless pictures of yourself no matter how many times they get reported. Don’t give a shit about what others think and say. Don’t slut shaming others. Continue to point out the oversexualisation of women in the media. Support movements like Free The Nipple and others in their choices to go bare. Don’t forget to teach the generations after you that you should not be ashamed of your body, nipples included.