Missy Ink Magazine Missy Ink Magazine - Fall 2015 - Censorship | Page 90

MODEL CITIZEN So I went to the root of the problem: the terms and conditions found on these social media websites. I found out that it wasn’t the breast itself that was an issue, but the nipple. That little, innocent, slightly darker tissue on our chest was disturbing the general public. Female nipples were not allowed to be seen in any photos on these sites. It all made sense now. Whenever I saw women outside that decided to go topless, they would just have their nipples covered and people wouldn’t find it to be such an issue. Whenever I saw a photo online with little X’s over the nipples, it would never be Missy/Ink | Issue 18 removed. Unfortunately, our areolas were considered “pornographic.” Even in 2015, female nipples are still obscene. To this day, I still see my fellow models get penalized, reported, and banned for their photos. Even if a centimetre of an areola is visible, it is still considered pornographic. Seeing how ridiculous this all was, I became passionate about this issue. I started to take inspiration from movements and groups like Free the Nipple, FEMEN, and GoTopless.org as well as individuals who continue to fight on their own Y