Missy Ink Magazine Missy Ink Magazine - Fall 2015 - Censorship | Page 27

SEXUALITY & YOU “PORNOGRAPHY MAKES MONEY WHEN IT FOCUSES ON THE MONEY SHOT TO THE FACE, BUT THE FEMALE ORGASM IS SUBSEQUENTLY MUTED AND DISENFRANCHISED.” female orgasm is subsequently muted and disenfranchised. Think of the age­long debate as to whether the G-spot exists or the fact that Lena Dunham was criticised for being naked in her own show on primetime TV. Why am I a labelled a “slut ” or a “ whore” or “not the marr ying type” because I openly enjoy sex and have had multiple partners throughout the years? And why is it that a man is “getting valuable life experience” through his expression of overt sexuality as part of the growing up process? We glamorize the male climax but are terrified to talk about female ejacualtion. Why is it such a taboo? W hi l e w e a re mu t in g o n e a n ot her w it h in o u r o w n b in a r y e xp ect a tio n s o f gen d er a n d s exu a l i t y, w e a re a lso d o in g mor e ha rm to th o se w h o live in b et w e en t h a t b in a r y. The media has done a ver y good 27 Issue 18 | Missy/Ink