Missouri Valley Conference Basketball Media Guides 2013-14 Men's Basketball Media Guide | Page 115

2013 MVC Tournament Review Game 1 -- Scottrade Center ... St. Louis ... March 7 Creighton Wins 2013 Title; Jays Repeat as Champions Drake Bradley 41 32 Creighton became the second league team to repeat as MVC Tournament champion in the past five seasons as the Bluejays downed Wichita State in the 2013 title game in St. Louis. DU (81) FG Creighton reserve Ethan Wragge hit five 3-pointers for 15 points to help the Bluejays overcome an off day from star Doug McDermott, who missed six of his first seven shots and was held to 14 points -- 10 below his average. McDermott, though, was still honored as the tournament MOP. WSU’s Malcolm Armstead scored a season-high 28 points with nine rebounds for secondseeded Wichita State, which shot just 34 percent. TOTALS BU (66) Jake Eastman Tyshon Pickett Will Egolf Walt Lemon Jr. Simms-Edwards Jalen Crawford Shayok Shayok Jordan Prosser TOTALS 2-3 2-9 2-5 2-4 6-10 5-9 2-4 1-3 5-7 --- 81 66 FT Reb PF TP 4 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 2 4 9 6 9 16 14 3 3 15 27-54 15-18 32 11 81 FG 0-0 4-4 2-4 4-4 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 5-6 5 2 4 4 1 5 1 1 6 FT Reb PF TP 6-11 4-8 5-11 6-13 1-10 3-6 1-2 0-0 0-0 3-3 2-3 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 8 4 7 4 1 2 3 0 26-61 5-6 31 0 5 2 4 1 1 2 0 15 11 15 14 2 7 2 0 15 66 Three-Pointers: DU (12-30) -- Clarke, 0-1; Simons, 1-7; Carter, 1-2; Hines, 4-7; Ricks, 4-8; Jeffers, 1-2; Mason, 1-1; King, 0-2; BU (9-23) -- Eastman, 3-7; Egolf, 3-5; Lemon Jr., 2-3; Simms-Edwards, 0-5; Crawford, 1-3. Assists: DU (15) -- Clarke, 1; Simons, 2; VanDeest, 3; Carter, 4; Hines, 1; Ricks, 1; Jeffers, 2, Mason, 1; BU (14) -- Eastman, 2; Egolf, 2; Lemon Jr., 3; Simms-Edwards, 3; Crawford, 1. Blocks: DU (3) -- Clarke, 1; Carter, 1; King, 1; BU (1) -- Eastman. Steals: DU (3) -- Clarke, 1; Carter, 1; Ricks, 1; BU (5) -- Eastman, 1; Egolf, 1; Lemon Jr., 3. Attendance: 7,537. SIU (53) TOTALS MSU (61) FG Keith Pickens Nathan Scheer Christian Kirk Anthony Downing Marcus Marshall Michael Simpson Ryan Carmichael Tomie Aromona Drew Wilson Gavin Thurman Bruce Marshall TOTALS TOTALS CU (65) Jackie Carmichael was an all-tournament selection even though Illinois State failed to reach the title game. He had 22 points in the semis against Wichita State. 3-7 1-6 5-7 6-12 5-9 0-0 0-0 1-2 0-0 0-0 0-0 31 29 --- 53 61 FT Reb PF TP 1-3 0-1 0-0 4-4 0-0 0-1 0-0 0-0 0-0 1-1 0-0 0-0 5 3 0 0 2 5 2 0 1 0 1 0 6-10 22 2 3 3 3 4 4 1 0 0 2 0 0 7 8 0 12 6 8 0 0 0 12 0 0 22 53 FT Reb PF TP 1-1 3-4 0-0 4-7 6-8 0-0 0-0 0-0 0-0 2-2 0-0 3 2 8 3 3 0 0 1 0 3 0 21-43 16-22 27 3 3 4 1 3 0 0 0 0 0 0 7 6 1 ?M??N??????????M ?B???YKT?[?\???UH ?NJH KH????T?\?\?? LN??X???? L??[??^K ?L??[?]?? L???X[?K KLN?T?H ?LMJH KHX??[?? LN???Y\? KMN???[?? M?X\??[  ?M\??[?K LK?\??\???UH JH KHX\?K ?????T?\?\? ???X???? N?[?]? ??X[?K N?T?H ?H KHX??[?? N???Y\? N???[?? ??K?X\??[  ???????UH ?B?KH[?Y[? N??X???? N??[??\?  N?T?B? JH KH??Y\? K??X[??UH ?H KHX\?K ?????T?\?\? N??X???? ???X[?K N?T?B? ?H KHX??[?? N???Y\? ??K?X\??[  ?\??[?K N?\?X[? K?][?[??N? ? L????????YH?[?\? ???? ??Z\? ???X\??????[??\??B??[??[[???]?[?Y\???X?\??\?\????\?[?\??\?H?X????\?[^H?Y??\??ZX?ZX\?????^H?[????[?^KX\?? L ]? M? ?NJB??ZY?? ? ?X?]H?]H ?B???M? N? LB? NB??M? NB? L? L? L?KM? L? LB???M ??H L?B???]\?^KX\??H ]? N ???B??ZY?? ? [?X[?H?]H ??X?]H?]H ??[[??\??]H LB??????????[?Y[[?Y[??Y??X\?B?????T?\?\?\?X\??X????? ???[??^B??[[?[?]??]?[?H?[??\?????H??X[[?^[??[??H?X[?B??X[???Y?Y[??[?[??[???Z?B??ZY??????Y^KX\?? ]? M B??H?ZY?? ?K?Z?H L??H[?X[?H?]H LK?]?[??[H L??\??[?RRH ][?[??N? M B???X?]H?]H ?KZ\???\?H?]H NB??[[??\??]H ????S?H ?B??[ U?\??[Y[?X[B???Y?X?\?[? ?ZY????X??YH?\?ZX?Y[ [[??\??]B??Y??HX?[?\]YK?ZY???X[??H\?\?XY ?X?]H?]B??\?[ ?X?]H?]B??[???]?[?[??^Y\????[[??\?Z\???\?H?]B???[YH ? KB???\??[Y[??\?[?\??^KX\?? ? ]? ? L??B??H?Z?H K???Y^H ?????Z\???\?H?]H ?K?L?[[??\? L??????YH?[?\? ???? ??Z\? ???X\?? ???\??[Y[????Z[???X[?Y?]???YB??X\??X?\? M??[??[?]B?^]\?] LH?X??????]??]?H? \?YYY?ZY???\??[??Y???X]?X?]H?]H ? ?H??]??X????ZY?Z\???\?B??[^H???\?[??H?\??[Y[??]K?H?YZ?^\???Z\? L???\?[??? KH[?H[?[?B??\?XY?YH????[???[?Y?S?H ? H[? ? L H\?H?B????????\X]\?U???\??^B??[\?[?H\? L?X\???????[??\??B??[??[[???]?[?Y\???X?\??\?\????\?[?\??\?H?X????\?[^H?Y??\??ZX?ZX\?????^H?[??? ?????[YH ? KB??????????KKB???L??KLB?KL??KLB? L?KL?? L? L? L??L????B?B?B?B?B????KM????N?????????L?B????X?????LL??NB??LL?LL???NB? LB? LB?KL??KM???Y?X?\?[? LM??X?[?\]YB? M??]\?[??]X[???M???[??X????MB??Z[???X[?Y?] L?^[???X?\?? L?[??HX]\? L?]?\?H[??X[?? L??[\?[?KM?][??Y??B?KL??S????????B???B??B?B??????L?M???B??????NH L????X??? M???M??L???L? L? L? L? L? MB??L????LB?B???????????????M ? M?L?? ??????B???B??B??????LB?????????M?B??M ?B??LL??