School-Based Implementation Coaching
Practice Profile
Missouri Collaborative Work Practice Profile
Foundations present in the implementation of each essential function: Commitment to the success of all students and to improving the
quality of instruction.
School-based Implementation Coaching
Ideal Implementation
(All items are in place.)
Essential Function
Developing and
maintaining coaching
At the beginning of the coaching relationship, the educator-coach
Describes the coaching process and expectations for the educator-coach and coached-educator
Explains that confidentiality will be maintained
Poses questions and listens to the coached-educator describe current teaching successes and challenges
Facilitating the
improvement process.
The educator-coach supports the coached-educator to learn and implement new teaching/ learning
practices by:
Attaining verbal commitment from the coached-educator to engage in the coaching relationship and
improving implementation of teaching/learning practices.
Addressing coached-educator feelings of being overwhelmed with the implementation process by
breaking down the steps or methods of implementation into manageable units.
Giving rationale for the importance of implementing the teaching/learning practice.
Communicating in a
timely and responsive
Engaging in solutiondriven dialogue.
The educator-coach
Uses a variety of methods (e.g. email, phone, in person, and video conference.) for checking in on the
status of practice implementation with the educator(s).
Is responsive to information needs and questions in a timely manner, explicitly and mutually agreed upon
with the coached-educator (e.g. Both parties decide that responding within mutually determined
number of days is most helpful and feasible.)
Requests and is responsive to feedback from the coach-educator about the coaching experience.
The educator-coach
Facilitates ongoing coaching conversations that build on the strengths of the coached-educator and is
Provides feedback based on direct observations
Poses reflective question on “what is working” and “what is not working.”
Reviews data with the coach-educator and uses data to design next steps and frame recommendations.
*Evidence: Fidelity Checklist, Student Data