Missouri Collaborative Work Spring 2014 | Page 29

Proficient At least 6 of the criteria are met. At least 3 of the criteria are met. At least 3 of the criteria are met. At least 3 of the criteria are met. Close to Proficient (Skill is emerging, but not yet to ideal proficiency. Coaching is recommended.) At least 4 of the criteria are met. At least 2 of the criteria are met. At least 2 of the criteria are met. At least 2 of the criteria are met. Far from Proficient (Follow-up professional development and coaching is critical.) Less than 4 of the criteria are met. Less than 2 of the criteria are met. Evidence Common Formative Assessment Development & Implementation Template. Common Formative Assessment Development & Implementation Template. Less than 2 of the criteria are met. Common Formative Assessment Development & Implementation Template. Less than 2 of the criteria are met. Common formative assessment at the classroom level is a systematic and cyclical process designed to provide timely teacher/ student feedback on curricula and student learning to improve both instructional practices and academic achievement. Common Formative Assessment Development & Implementation Template. 29