Missouri Collaborative Work Spring 2014 | Page 19

Learning Objectives  Recognize the benefits of developing assessment capable learners.  Understand how to implement teaching strategies designed to develop assessment capable learners. Practice Profile Missouri Collaborative Work Practice Profile Foundations present in the implementation of each essential function: Commitment to the success of all students and to improving the quality of instruction. Assessment Capable Learners Practice Profile Essential Function 1 Educators teach students to determine, “Where am I going?” 2 Educators teach students to determine, “Where am I now?” 3 Educators teach students to determine, “How can I close the gap?” Exemplary proficiency Ideal Implementation When teaching students to develop learning goals, all of the following criteria occurs 80% of the time. Educator writes targets using studentfriendly language. Educator models using “I can ____,” or I know ____” statements. Educator develops rubric with students Educator analyzes student work with the students using exemplary and non-exemplary examples When teaching student to selfevaluate learning progress, all of the following criteria occurs 80% of the time. Educator provides descriptive feedback Educator asks students to assess their own progress by asking themselves some key questions about where they are in their learning Educators instruct students to selfassess, justify and set goals When teaching students to identify next learning steps, all of the following criteria occur 80% of the time. Educator assists the student in determining what might be some of the next instructional steps Educator teaches the student to selfreflect, document, and share their learning Proficient Close to Proficient (Skill is emerging, but not yet to ideal proficiency. Coaching is recommended.) Far from Proficient (Follow-up professional development and coaching is critical.) When teaching students to develop learning goals, all of the exemplary criteria occurs, but <80% of the time. When teaching students to develop learning goals, some of exemplary criteria occur. When teaching students to develop learning goals, none of exemplary criteria occur. When teaching student to selfevaluate learning progress, all of the exemplary criteria occurs, but <80% of the time. When teaching student to selfevaluate learning progress, some of exemplary criteria occur. When teaching student to selfevaluate learning progress, none of exemplary criteria occur. When teaching students to identify next learning steps, all of the exemplary criteria occurs, but <80% of the time. When teaching students to identify next learning steps, some of exemplary criteria occur. When teaching students to identify next learning steps, none of exemplary criteria occur. *Evidence: Fidelity Checklist, Student Data 19