Mission Possible 2017 mission possible final | Page 24

Tools and sites you can use to learn English. Tools used by Mai Teetlok, Estonia Tools used by Kerim Sivrikaya,Turkey https://www.classtools.net/ Use various tools for English classes. https://www.gamestolearnenglish.com/ Play games to learn English https://learningapps.org/ Create and play learning quizes by yourself https://www.youtube.com/channel/ UC4Hdb26_xnPQsntwLazMqYw Learn English songs and rhymes. http://www.cram.com/ Learn new English words by playing. https://lyricstraining.com/ Improve your English with kerimteacher.weebly.com Find various tools to learn English topics. http://wheeldecide.com/ Learn many languages A tool to decide about anything you want.