Mission Beautiful Australia {MBA} Magazine MBA Issue 1 March. 2014 | Page 12
Martin Luther
King~, Darkness
cannot drive out darkness;
only light can do that. Hate
cannot drive out hate; only
love can do that.
Mission Beautiful Australia
Inside The Mission,
Mission Beautiful is the fundraising initiative of AmyLee from AmyLee
Photography. This is a magazine to empower, inspire and educate the
masses about domestic violence while giving everyday women and men,
from all over the country, model makeovers to be published in the gorgeous
Living in a very non violent home and lifestyle these days AmyLee has a deep conviction to help others
whom are suffering in a life they don’t have to live, as she herself was only ten years ago. AmyLee was
abused physically from the age of 5 by her biolgical mother whom suffers from alchoholism and bi polar,
to then be the verbal and physical punching bag of her first ever boyfriend for ten years whom AmyLee
had three beautiful children with. AmyLee had no therapy or help when leaving that relationship and, as
most do, perpetuated the cycle in her next relationship for a further four terrifying years.
AmyLee was able to escape with a few belongings, her life and the life of her three boys {just} although
lost a baby to that relationship through forced termination , and fled to another state where AmyLee
was able to rebuild her life and gain the knowledge and courage to recognise the reasons why she was
repeating the cyle and break it.
Amy had to completely relearn how to live her life without the co-dependancy of being with abusive
partners. Her world was opened up to whole new way of living while Amy and her children recieved
intensive therapy, education and support through the Manly Warringah Womens Resource Centre.
After twenty-eight years of abuse AmyLee was finally free and begining a stable life without violence.
Ten years later AmyLee is a highly successful portrait photographer breaking into the fashion industry
, also the owner of the successful NewBorn posing Pod prop shop and founder of Mission Beautiful
Australia. AmyLee has big dreams of expanding this project to a global scale and leading the way in
education against domestic violence, using her talent as a photographer to empower and inspire others to
support the cause, give to the charities and shine a huge light on this dark subject and fill it with love to
drive out the hate surrounding it.
“The key to slowing this epidemic is education, and I plan to spread this form of eductaion like a firein the
dry weather “ AmyLee commented when asked what her plans were for this magazine. We look forward
to bringing you a new issue each quarter, please tell your friends and purchase a copy!
MARCH 2014