A. If you spot any vehicles in your neighborhood that seem suspicious, please
try to obtain the license plate tag and report it. It may be someone trying to
locate an address and that should be a “normal observance” but if it is
someone driving slowly and watching a group of children, that is concerning.
Be wary of those who are attending your children’s softball games or outdoor
matches that do not appear to look as if they are with anyone or have anyone
on the team. We are not trying to scare anyone and we certainly do not know if
Abby is missing due to someone abducting her…but because we do not
know…we want to have all avenues covered and it is wise to always be
observant, anyhow.
B. Ask your teens if they have had any strange encounters in the past few
months. If anyone approached them or followed them. Many times (especially
girls) may dismiss a “following” if the person is a younger adult male as
someone who thinks they are “cute.” Even that could be a potential lead if
enough people bring the same description of an occurrence to law
enforcement. So have a talk with your teens.
C. Parents, please….when punishing your children…do not take away their cell
phones. It could be a lifeline to locating them and or for them to reach you.
Certainly you can shut off their texting or online capabilities…but do not take
away their phones. Plenty of other punishments…perhaps adding some chores
around the house may be a better choice?
D. Lastly, never…and I stress NEVER leave friends alone. Friends should always
use the buddy system, no matter your age. See our 2013 – 2015 campaign
“Friends Don’t Leave Friends Alone” at www.dontleavefriends.com