Pumpkin Carving
Nothing says Halloween better
than awesomesauce carved
pumpkins on your doorstep.
Here are the steps to an amazing creation, you did yourself!
Check our website for patterns
and more ideas !
Bio Beauty
1. Buy a pumpkin from your
local supermarket or from
a farm shop. Buy one that’s
a good size with little visible
2. Draw a circle around the
stem on the top where you
want the lid to go. Make
it big enough to fit your
arm and a scraping tool
through (a diameter of
about 6 inches is recommended).
3. Cut out the lid. Make sure
you do so at an angle
(tip of the knife facing the
center of the pumpkin)
so that the lid doesn’t fall
into the pumpkin. You
may want to cut a small
notch into the lid too so it
doesn’t fall.
4. Use a spoon to clean out
the inside of the pumpkin.
Scrape away the walls
until they’re about an inch
thick. There should be no
seeds or pumpkin strings
5. Wipe down inside with
some kitchen roll. Leave
to dry overnight if desired.
6. Select or draw a pattern.
Make sure it suits your
ability. Thinner bits will be
harder to cut out.Pick one
that suits the size of the
7. Put the pattern onto the
8. Carve the pumpkin.
Start by getting a pin or
thin poking device like a
screw driver. Make small
dots in the pumpkin all
around the edges of the
shape you’re going to
cut out. Keep them close
together. If you used a
premade pattern, carefully remove the paper.Get