they would never let me forget it. Whenever I would walk through the hallways, kids would bump into me, shove me against lockers, or slam the books out of my hands. My grades got even worse, I never wanted to do anything anymore but draw. I discovered my talent for drawing around the 7th grade, and I easily got addicted to it, obsessed even. In 11th grade, I started getting depressed, and blaming myself for my bullies. I was too fat, too ugly, too dumb, too much of every negative trait. I started to lash out in frustration at my family, my only support system. After a while my mom couldn’t take it an [[?K[?]YH[?\?\K?HYH??[??\???\???K[?]???YHH??[YH?XZ?H]?H???[YY[H[??Y??????H[H????YX\???[??\??[?H?\?H[??[??^H?X??\?^X?][?Y?\?^H?\?H?X??\??[?\???K???]?\?X??H??\??Z[???[YY?Y????[?H\?H?X]H?^H[?H\?K?]???H[[?H?\??\?H]?\??[?H?SXZ?H][?[?HT?H[??S??X][?Y?K??[??[Y[X?\?XX??x?&\????H?[?]?]H\??[\?HH\?^H^H\??H?Y\??]?\?][??]??Y\?\??[??X[H??\?\??[??8?????]?]\?\??\?]O?H?]\?\???\?]H\?H??\^[?[??YH?[?]X??[???X?[?Z]?[?[[??[\?[?X????\?]H???\???[?H\???X]?[?H?[?Y\?[?H??H?\???\?Y??H\?[?\??\?K\?H\?H