Step 6|After about two hours it will be pretty pic
much bleached, so it depends on how you want it to look like. If you don’t want your shorts to look really light then take the short out earlier. Check your shorts regularly, pull them out when you’re satisfied with the color. Step 7|Next, lift up your shorts a little bit, so that the water/bleach is only touching the bottom part of your shorts. Leave it again for about two hours, or until you see color change that you are satisfied with. Step 8|After you are satisfied with the colors and the way your shorts looks, empty the bowl or sink and then rinse your shorts under running water for a few minutes. Step 9|Throw the shorts in the washing machine, then put him in the drycleaner. When the shorts is dry you’re ready to roll! Unless you want to customize it further. Studs, ribbons, strips of leather or other materials, feathers and much more applications can be used on the shorts, just go your own way and make it look like you want it to!