Miss Sis Magazine May 2016 Issue | Page 3

From the Publisher Greetings: May already! How time does fly. We are so excited because we can bring you the digital version of this magazine and you can also download a free Miss Sis app/icon to fit on your phone, laptop or ipad. Visit our website at www.miss-sister.com and we will show you how. In this issue we have placed special emphasis on all facets of attending the prom because we know how important it is to young ladies. And while some of you may not have reached the prom age and some of you may have “been there, done that” you can still enjoy this issue by projecting what it will feel and look like when your time comes or by reminiscing about the fun (and drama) that you had at your prom. In addition to all the hoopla about the prom, we have some other goodies for you. More pictures of the fabulous old but new way to wear your hair – more fun with the bun. If you haven’t tried to wear this style, go ahead, you will love it and I am sure you will get many complements. Miss.Sis Knowing that In this day and age “cold cash” has become almost obsolete, we take you on a financial journey into the world of the ubiquitous debit and credit cards. Let’s face it, most times, buying and spending is done with credit or debit cards. You have this option in every store that sells products and that includes fast food places. In fact the newer cards are in “chips” and in some stores, you can even use your cell phone to make purchases! With this in mind, you are definitely not too young to begin to develop a sense of financial savvy and what better way to start then to compare these two spending options. And on a very serious note, all of you young ladies should know about date rape drugs and how to keep them out of your drinks! We will show you how! In addition we also feature some fabulous, exotic alcohol free drinks that you can make at home and sip on with your friends or date just before you go out. And finally, ladies, Mother’s Day is this month and we all know how special our mothers are whether they are our biological mothers or they just “adopted” us. So go ahead and grab that credit or debit card or even “cold hard cash” LOL and get them something really fabulous; and of course, don’t forget to tell them how much you really love and appreciate them!! So, as always, sit back and relax and thumb slowly through the pages of Miss Sis magazine, we know that you will thoroughly enjoy this issue! Much love, Dr. Alicia Cain Publisher 3