Miss Sis Magazine March 2016 Issue | Page 3

From the Publisher Greetings Ladies: energetic, daring and spontaneous. March – It is that time of the year when we become winter weary and look forward to the coming of spring. We want to shed our heavy coats, scarves and boots (well maybe not the boots) and jump into something a little lighter. The Vernal Equinox is considered to be the first day of the Spring Season, when the length of night and day are approximately equal in length. Even though March can seem a little humdrum and boring to you compared to all the excitement of the holidays that just passed, there are still some things that you can do to have fun and perk yourself up: AND before you drift off into hibernation, let’s move on to First, continue to be fabulous. Second, learn some fun facts about March that you can put into your trivia bank: In times past, March, instead of January, was the 1st month of the year. This all changed in 1752 and since that time, the holidays now end one week after Christmas, with the onset of the New Year, instead of 3 months later in March. (Can you imagine partying for 3 months straight?) March is the time of year when animals start to wake up from hibernation. Third and most important – Retail Therapy! If you need an excuse to try a little retail therapy, here are several outlandish and fabulous reasons to visit your favorite mall in March! This year Easter is in March, a good reason to get a new outfit or two – one to wear to Church in the morning and one to wear out on a date with your Boo later that evening. Spring starts on Sunday, March 20th - what better way to celebrate than with a new spring outfit. The two flowers for March are the daffodil and violet. Daylight Savings Time starts on Sunday, March 13th so why not “spring forward” with a new outfit? And if you like to have fun with astrology, check this out - People born in the beginning and middle of March are Pisces. Those born from March 21 on are Aries. Pisces are dreamy, creative and intuitive. Aries are Miss.Sis In 1880 the Salvation Army was founded in the United States. To celebrate, visit your local Thrift store and snag a fabulous vintage outfit. Ladies, if after all that shopping, you are still feeling a little bored, then I have just the thing for you: Sit back and relax and thumb slowly through the pages of Miss Sis magazine, we know that you will thoroughly enjoy this issue! St Patrick’s Day, March 17th- If you like supporting the young ladies in Ireland – go get an awesome outfit with some green in it. The name of March comes from Latin Martius. It was named for Mars, The Roman god of war. The two birthstones for March are aquamarine and bloodstone. In 1862, the first issue of U.S. government paper money- $5, $10 and $20 bills began circulation. So in celebration – go out and get 3 new accessories (one for $5, one for $10 and one for $20) to go with your awesome new outfits. In the Philippines, March is Fire Prevention month – so why not celebrate with a hot new outfit! If you need two more outlandish (but perfectly legitimate) reasons to get a new outfit, consider the following: Much love, Dr. Alicia Cain Publisher 3