years doing this. I’ve sacrificed everything from friends,
relationships, finances and the
way I live to not give up on
this dream because that last
thing I want to do is waste this
god given talent.
Misfit Tunes: What is your
mission? What kind of impact
Granddad Woolly: I’ll know
I’ve made it when people hear
the name Granddad Woolly
and they not only know who
that is, but also that he’s one
of the most respected and
dope emcees to ever touch a
mic. Also when I don’t need
to work a regular job cause
hip hop is feeding me well.
Misfit Tunes: Do you have a
team behind you? If so tell me
about your team
Granddad Woolly: I’ve always been a very hands on
person so I like to do most of
my work myself if I can. I do
have a team of producers that
I constantly work with called
my starting five. Chikano,
Hostile Product, Causmic, Vanilla and Linn Mori. And they
all but Causmic live in a different country. My girl Gabi
also helps a lot. She’s my
right hand and second say in a
lot of things. She’s sort of like
my creative manager and we
if any do you want your music can look back on it years from work together on my records,
to have on your fans?
now and say to myself “I did
videos and ideas on promotGranddad Woolly: My misit.”
ing myself as an artist. As of
sion is to provide meaningMisfit Tunes: What is your
now it’s been working real
ful, creative and entertaining
definition of success?
well with the people I have in
music to those willing to hear Granddad Woolly: Whatever
my corner so if you want to
it. I want people to get some- makes you say to yourself that join the team you have to be
thing valuable when they hear you’ve accomplished whatdedicated and a supporter of
my records. Something that
ever you set out to do and are myself and the music.
will stick with them and make happy with the results from it. Misfit Tunes: How many live
them want to come back for
It could be money, fame, reperformances have you done?
more. I want my music to
spect or anything in between. Tell me about your best perhave an influence on people
Misfit Tunes: How will you
formance what made it the
the same as the artists I looked know when you have “made
best…. Tell me about your
up to had an influence on me. it”?
worst performance what made
Kind of like a pass the torch
Misfit Tunes: What are your
Granddad Woolly: I just want
to be able to do this for a
living. Make this a real career
and garner a big enough fan
base and level of respect that I