What is your government
Terrell Pearson
Where were you born/raised?
I was born in DC, raised in
Maryland I’m living in VA....
matter what.
that I made it then having
money and all the extra stuff.
How would you describe your That will come, don’t get me
wrong who don’t love money.
I describe my music as posiTraveled just about all over
tive, motivational, inspiration- the world.. I have to have one
al, Real, long lasting, HITS.
humanitarian award!
How many live performances
What are your influences?
have you done?
My influences are people like,
I cant count how many live, ill
Lyfe Jennings and Anthony
thro a # since I was 5 yrs old,
Hamilton They speak real
100. My best performance
life, with messages. They can
was while on a school tour I
really sing, they have that real Where do you see yourself
was performing and the noise
R&B voice.
next time this year?
that all the Queens was makI see me as the BREAK OUT ing and how much respect I
How did you come up with
artist of 2015, Performing at
had from the Kings. Like it
your stage name?
BET Awards an on tour...
was amazing, that feeling was
TP came from my real name
just great. My worst one umm
Terrell Pearson and that means What’s next for you?
I don’t really know because
talented person I just think it’s I know I have 2 videos that I
I had some mess ups but the
really catchy
will be dropping in the sumgood thing about it I knew
mer and a EP that will be
how to pick it right back up
What is your most recent
coming out summer 2015. I’m so people really didn’t catch
dropping Heartthrob in Febru- on to the mess up because I’m
Currently working on my EP. ary.
really quick on it u can’t just
quit and get off stage u have
Why are you a performer?
What is your definition of
to go along with it and just
I perform to make people feel success?
really focus on what u doing.
better and make my young
My definition of success
kings and queens to wanna be achieving your goals, plan n
What does your lyrics say
positive and become someexecute!
about you/your character?
thing and how they can be
It says a lot. All my music has
different and they don’t have
How will you know when you meaning and is long termed.
to be the same.
have “made it”?
No one hit wonder! I have a
When I see the people doing
song called Heartthrob and it’s
If you were not making music the same thing I’m doing.
to my fans and I’m saying I
what would you be doing?
You know why because that’s appreciate them cause I really
I will be in school and playshowing I’m a leader and a lot do. Another song is S.W.A.G..
ing sports in life I still wanof people is watchi