What is your government
Christopher Jones
Where were you born/raised?
What are your influences?
I am influenced by my surrounding.
How did you come up with
your stage name?
Friends. (in the studio)
What is your most recent
“Cool Kid Tape”
Why are you a performer?
I love it! It brings out the best
in me.
If you were not making music
what would you be doing?
Making music lol
How would you describe your
Positive prominent story
What are your goals?
Be the best i can and stick to
my 5 year plan.
Its like damn “I did this” lol.
Where do you see yourself
Its a great feeling to know
this time next year?
i accomplished “Cool Kid
I see myself doing bigger and Tape” It was a long project
better things and moving for- and i was still trying to find
ward with my second mixtape. myself and my sound as i still
What’s next for you?
I have alot in store. I recently Do you have a team behind
moved back to Germany from you?
New York and plan on getting Stay Click - thats our movealot of radio air time and per- ment. I have an amazing team,
Dimillio (Rapper), Jusslu
(Engineer) and more.
What is your definition of
What is your mission?
Success is what you make it.
I can’t stress it enough, positivity.
How will you know when you
have “made it?”
What accomplishments have
I won’t, i got to stay humble.
you received?
“Cool Kid Tape was by far my
How many live performances biggest accomplishment to
have you done?
I have had multiple performances, some of my own and
some opening up for bigger
acts (Honey Cocain, Bow
Wow, Kurtis Blow and more.)
I enjoyed opening for Kurtis
Blow most because he was/
is a very humble nice guy. He
came on stage with us and it
was a huge success.
What does your lyrics say
about you/your character?
I try to tell stories or rap about
things people can relate too.
Most of all have fun.
Do you love your music?
I love my music. I love to ride
out and bump my own tunes.