What is your government
Marcus Hancock
in my whole career. My best
What are your goals?
performance was At Platinum
To sell over a million records, Nightclub because it was
run a franchise, enhance my
my first official show and I
Where were you born/raised? Entertainment company, go on worked the crowd well.
I was born in Fort Bragg
a world tour, sell songs as a
My worse was I performed at
North Carolina, from Ohio
song writer, get my bachelors a picnic. People were eating
and raised in Suitland, Mary- in mass communication.
and not really paying Attenland.
Where do you see yourself
What are your influences?
this time next year?
What does your lyrics say
My influences are Tupac, Nas, I see my single K.I.D.S earn- about you/your character?
Lupe Fiasco, Musiq Soulchild, ing me a lot of recognition
My lyrics indicate that I am
and MC Lyte.
and success. I see myself on
wise and honest about my
tour next year.
perceptions of the world. My
How did you come up with
style gives you a idea of what
your stage name?
What’s next for you?
moral compass I have and
I combined Son (son of man
Release the single, promote
my ideal belief in the creator
sun in the sky) with cere. The my previous mixtape DARE of the universe. My positive
name means free spirit Sonand release DARE 2. I Will
music tells that I am all about
cier. The true son that shines . also be opening up for Slick
standing your ground , being
That’s the ultimate meaning.
Rick December 3rd at sound
smart and fighting negativity.
stage in Baltimore.
What is your most recent
Do you love your music?
What is your definition of
I love my music . I get skepMy most recent project is my success?
tical like anyone else about
single K.I.D.S keep intelliSuccess is your personal form when and how I’m going to
gence dismiss stupidity. It’s
of satisfaction.
get my music mainstream .
about single parents . It will
I’ve been late on bills, lost
be released soon thru DLH
How will you know when you friendships, gone in debt,
Media Group.
have “made it”
missed countless outings with
There’s no such thing. Howpeople and survived a near
If you were not making music ever I will know I am a big
death experience. I am using
what would you be doing?
deal in the public eye when I
my own money to fund my
I would be a motivational
get approached by mainstream music. Very draining at times
artist to collab and hang out
but it’s my reality and I won’t
Also, when corporations and
give up.
How would you describe your labels start negotiating deals
throwing money at me .
Do you have a team behind
I create positive rap music
How many live performances I signed myself to my own
with a negative appeal . I crehave you done?
ate positive rap music with a
Entertainment company. I’m
I’ve performed over 60 times independent and I outsource.
negative appeal.