Misfit Tunes The Magazine January 2015 | Page 7

O KNOW What is your government name? Darius Wolley Where were you born/raised? I was born in DC, and later raised in College Park, MD. Both environments come to play in my music. What are your influences? The world, its people and the dynamics of relationships influence me. A lot of what I see and experience daily goes into the thought process when crafting a song. Musically, I’m influenced by a little of everything from rock, blues, edm, soul, gospel and of course hip-hop. How did you come up with your stage name? Haha, my stage name. People still call me Ace and I’m good with that but I decided to use my real name in effort break down the wall between Batman and Bruce Wayne. I feel like artist often shun their true identity behind an alias and end up getting lost in keeping up a facade. What is your most recent project? My most recent project was Orchids EP. It’s a connected piece based on love, sex, and the difficulties in relationships. Orchids was released just before Valentine’s Day with the goal of impacting people during that time and creating a relationship between the music and those empathetic feelings. But, the next project To Whom Much Is Given, will definitely be opposite Orchids on the spectrum. ORCHIDS Why are you a performer? I’m a performer because I love telling my story and vibing with the people who relate. You definitely feel a rush putting your heart and soul into a performance and the crowd gives just as much back. If you were not making music what would you be doing? I have no idea lol. When I was a kid and people would ask, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I would make stuff up that they’d want to hear like a lawyer or a dentist or something, but I honestly didn’t know. All I ever really knew is I loved music. Once, I figured out this is what I wanted to do, I’ve been on it since. How would you describe your sound/music? I like to think of my sound as the score of young urban America. It’s very impulsive, emotional and often misguided. This is why I’m comfortable jumping from a jazzy sexual record like Orchids to an intense menacing track like Reminisce. I try to add different elements to change the dynamic of a song. We all feel different ways at different instances. What are your goals? The goal is to impact my people, tell their story, and bring new light to our plight. I personally want to make timeless music that allows you to live in the moment (ironic ain’t it lol). I want to be someone my city, my family, and my fans are proud of, someone they’d ride for. I want to make records that are big not only (continued on page 11) 7