Misfit Tunes The Magazine January 2015 | Page 16

ONE TO Why are you a performer? i am a performer because to be able to “ live “ or make money doing what i love.. which is music.. i have to perform live in front of people that support my music. What is your government name? my government name is tomone cross. Where were you born/raised? i was born and raised in san francisco ca.. geneva towers to be exact played ... but me getting shot and ended up in a wheel chair changed the chances of that and i had a love for music from day one so i decided to try it out What is your most recent project? my most recent project is called “ wheel power “ no features.. i mixed it.. did the artwork.. and also produced 11 of the 14 tracks. What are your influences? my influences in music is life itself.. the feelings.. the vibes.. the actions.. everything that strike a thought How did you come up with your stage name? im honestly not sure exactly how i came up with it.. probably just liked the definition of the word “ remedy “ when i was younger.. i gave myself that name even before i started music! If you were not making music what would you be doing? playing sports.. that was my first love.. football.. then basketball.. then any other sport i 16 Wheel Power How would you describe your sound/music? my sound is just me.. its a mixture of what i grew up listening to.. how im feeling the moment i make a song.. which is why i have all kinds of music out. Do you love your music? yes i do love my music.. the love feels real if that makes sense.. it just feels like music is what i am supposed to be doing in my life right now. ive made so many sacrifices from relationships with people in general.. losing girlfriends.. falling back on a social life.. barely sleeping.. invest my money into myself.. and many more i just cant think of right now. What does your lyrics say about you/your character? LOL my lyrics say i am a vulgar ratchet street cat.. that doesnt let the general expectations of being hard or being the man confine him. they also say im smart and gifted musically by how i say things. my lrics show you that i am human.. i am not only one emotion all the time i have nice songs.. mean songs.. party songs.. chill songs.. etc. What are your goals? my goals is to be able to provide for my family by doing what i love for a living.. and to motivate people to wake up and make they dream come true.. do whatever it is in life they feel they were born to do! What is your definition of success? my definition of success id www.MisfitTunes.com