i, my name is Christine Harris
I was born/raised in Chicago
il on the low end of the south
side. My influences growing up in
was Aaliyah ,tupac , mc lyte and a
Chicago female rapper chin chilla
meek . I came up with the name lil
baby from the CEO of my music
group when I was younger , and
it fits me so I kept it . Recently
I’ve been working on my mixtape called “ chiraq’s story (by lil
baby) just basically sharing what
I’ve seen and been threw because
I know a lot of people in the same
boat or who have been .
I enjoy writing music and then
hearing coming out of some headphones , it feels good to hear your
self and actually make since and be
good at what u do it’s an amazing
feeling. If I wasn’t doing music I’d
be in the criminal justice field. i
like learning new things and understanding them at that and I can’t sit
down to save my life so I wouldn’t
mind always being on the move.
My music to me is universal , I
feel like it relates to many of the
young community problems ,turn
ups , love , heartaches . My goals
in life is too accomplish being
successful in the music part of the
industry but most of all successful
in life as well, if you don’t have
hope what else is there to have.
This time next year I see myself
somewhere far in my career know ,
hated , loved , and respected that’s
not a prediction either it’s definitely a fact . I think a great and well
payed off life it’s ahead of me , I
know I’m close to the end of the
tunnel where the light is just need
to take a couple more steps . Success to me is when you feel comfortable with what you’ve done
with your talent , when you can sit
back and say to yourself “yeah I
wrote that”then you’ve successfully made what you’ve been pushing
for .
I know I’ve made it when the
day I shake jayz hand (lol) but I’ll
definitely know when get to sit
at the bet awards and actually be
apart of it.
I’ve performed about 5 to 7 times
. I started rapping in a club in
Markham il called Red diamond,
i was excited and nervous at the
same time before performing a
couple times but I got use to it after a while. My best performance
was at another club in Markham
named Adrianna’s where I closed
for an Atlanta Artist by the name
of shawty lo . It also was the
worst , Everyone around me got
drunk and I’m not technically a
dr inker so I don’t mix with the
alcohol group .
I learned to stay in my zone and
not really letting others Get to me
because I didn’t want it to ruin
my performance , I can tell people
could see it in my face I was kind
of pissed.
I definitely love my music once
I’ve perfected the song got it
mastered down then listen to it , it
make me feel some what powerful
! I love how my mind puts words
and phrases together to make a
whole verse . My music somewhat
saves me from me in a way it’s not
always smiles behind close doors.
I dropped out of high school at
the age of 16 started music at 17
,even though I quit going to school
I’m also still smart with words.
It definitely slowed down a lot of
opportunities for me in life but I’m
still young and there’s not but time
is what you make it.
I’ve been rapping and the First
Lady of a label by the name of
Hitsquad Empire Ent LLC. For
almost 3years . We all have a different style and mindset on music
but at the end of the day it sounds
amazing coming out the other end
. We are basically a family We’ve
been through it all and made it ,
and I’m glad to say we’re still here
and I think we’re going to be a
success in our own ways.
I want my fans to know no matter
what follow your first mind and
speak your first mind ,never let
anybody tell you that you can’t
achieve things in life that matter
to you and make u feel good about
your self.
I’ve achieved people hearing my
voice and liking it and some dislike it , I learned if a couple of a
few don’t like you ... You’re doing
something right . ~Lil Baby