One Time In The A
During the 10th Anniversary A3C festival I
had the pleasure of being
introduced to the First
lady of High Definition
Society, The 5’’6 beauty
lurked in the shadows
waiting for Mr. High
Definition, Laelo pass
her the mic and set free
to torch the stage.
Watching her ready to
rip the stage I could not
help but think oh I hope
she is not just another
pretty rapper thats going
to rap about make up,
how good her cookies
are, and/or the name
brands painted on her
Just when I had resolved to hit the bar
while the crowd was
mesmerized by the pretty
rapper Laelo passed
the mic to Nique Goldi
and it was like a bomb
exploded! She growled
bars that let you know
she far from just another pretty rapper here to
stroke the male Vv