e had the pleasure of
asking Maryland native,
Mia Sparrow a few questions
and enjoyed her answers. After reading this piece, we are
sure you will have enjoyed
her answers, as well as became a fan!
going into politics one day.
Can you see me as Mayor of
was God’s gift to me because
it helped me to channel everything in a way that could
help people who listen. I’m
Why are you a performer?
at my best in the booth, not
It’s a necessity really. The
because of sheer talent, but
greatest way for me to grow
because I’m more vulnerable
my fan base has been perand most honest. The major
formances. There’s no stusacrifice has been my ego.
dio or collaborators to help.
My willingness to tell stories
Just you, a mic, and a track.
that won’t allow me to hide
And you make due. I love it
from myself. I am who I am
though, whatever has hapand I’ve accepted my flaws,
pened comes out at that show. but realized God isn’t finGood or bad, it’s always an
ished. My sacrifice has been
honest showing.
me. Less of me, more of God.
What are your influences?
Musically...Nas, Hov, Drake,
Furious 5. Legendary movies
like Beat Street. Cult classics
like Club Paradise. That’s
actually the inspiration for the
new album.
How many live performances
have you done?
How did you come up with
Too many to count. Enough
your stage name?
to know I’ve got a lot more
It’s my name...I’ve had a
work to do and that I need to
few lol! I played around with improve. Best performance...
Olivia Daye (my middle
Karamudc. The crowd was
name and a fake last name)
so into it. You could actually
and thought about going with feel the love. It was amazing.
“Mia was here,” which I use
North Carolina is close too.
on social media. Sometimes, The performances are best
I still wish I’d gone with Mia when people can’t take their
was here, lol! But in making
eyes off of you. I don’t think
LAOD, it was raw emotion.
I’ve had my worst yet. Let’s
Five years in 15 tracks. It was pray I never do.
all me. I wanted my name to
be just as honest as the music. Do you love your music?
I do love my music. Not from
If you were not making music a perspective of vanity, but
what would you be doing?
because it’s healed me. I’ve
Brand managing. Something been through a lot, saw too
in fashion like styling.. I’m
much, too young. But music
What do your lyrics say about
you/your character?
My lyrics say that my character is in tact. I don’t blame
anyone for my issues. I’ve
been in a few bad situations
and dated a few guys I probably shouldn’t have, but
no one forced me to stay. I
thought love could inspire
them to change. But the reality is, you’re never going to
be good enough for a person
who isn’t ready. That isn’t
your fault, but it isn’t really
their fault either. My lyrics
speak to my willingness to be
honest, despite how it makes
me look. I’m not perfect but I
am a good person. I’m proud
of that.