o Reckless Internet Posting better known as No
R.I.P. is a movement
started and led by entertainment
mogul and rapper Waka Flocka’s
mother, Debra Antney. Ms. Antney
and her family have had documented turbulent relationships
with several blogs and other media
outlets which have sensationalized
stories to garner popularity for
their site as well as to drive traffic to the site. These tumultuous
relationships cost Ms Antney her
twenty-two year old son Caodes
“KayO” Scott.
During the 2013 Christmas
Holiday season the stresses and
pressures of the world forced
KayO to do the only thing he knew
to ease the pain and end his own
life. KayO’s kind heart often wept
due to the malicious, reckless, and
thoughtless people who spread
vicious rumors as well as fueled
harmful gossip about not only
himself but his mother and other
family members.
Ms. Antney is determined her
son’s silenced voice be heard by
the world! She also hopes to speak
for the millions of people living
through the same storm while
encouraging positive change in not
just media but also in the Global
Online Community.
“In every test there is testimony.
Through all adversity there is a
lesson to be learned. And in cleaning up the mess around us often
times you’ll find a message.” For
Ms. Antney and the supporters of
the No R.I.P. movement the message is simple… NO RECKLESS
What It Means to Pledge No
their reputations, killing their relationships, killing their hope and so
much more. Stop speaking death.
No R.I.P.
* We are afforded the rights of free
speech, freedom of the press, etc.
However, we also have a humane
responsibility to each other. As
media, we encourage all bloggers
and other members of the media to
take the No R.I.P. pledge and post
responsibly on your site; report
responsibly on your shows. As a
community, care for one another.
Be mindful that words do hurt and
can cause damage. Focus on the
positive, not the negative. Focus
on the truth, and not the gossip and
the rumors. Stop the reckless, hurtful and destructive gossip. Whether you are media or the general
public, please post responsibly.
No Reckless Internet Posting!
No R.I.P.
* KayO never supported the
saying “Rest in Peace” because
he believed that people lived on
in their spirits forever. Instead, he
would say “Long Live” to whoever transitioned on. In loving
memory of Caodes “KayO” Scott,
the No R.I.P. movement will take
on a life of its own and continue.
No R.I.P. #LLKayO
* When you gossip and spread
rumors and recklessly post about
people’s lives, you are speaking
death - killing their spirits, killing
If you are a blogger, media entity
or personality, or other member
of the media, we invite and encourage you to take the No R.I.P.
pledge. We simply ask those blog
and media sites that take the No
R.I.P. pledge to download the
official No R.I.P. logo and post it
to your website and social media
pages - this logo placement will
serve as a visible badge which
lets the public know that your site
is one that has pledged to post