any better feeling.
MT: Do you have a team behind
Lisa Banton: Fortunately and
unfortunately I don’t have a team.
Over the years I’ve been through
a lot of bad dealings with people
who acted like they had my best
interest at heart. A team would be a
great thing to have but it HAS to be
right. Though it’s been hard doing
everything myself, I’ve learned a
lot from all the trial and error. I’ve
learned things that I may not have
learned if I had a team or somebody else dealing with
certain aspects. I’m
slowly building one
but it won’t happen
unless it feels right.
My music and artistry
means too much to
even my performance. About 4 or
5 years ago I performed with an
local rapper on a song that I sang
the hook on. Once I got up on stage
to do my part, his fans knew my
hook from beginning to end. They
sang with me EVERY time and for
me, that was a taste of something
I’ve dreamt for myself since I was
young. It was a great night.
MT: Tell me about your worst performance. What made it bad? What
lesson did you learn?
Lisa Banton: As far as my worst,
any performance where I forget a
MT: What is next for you?
Lisa Banton: Well my plan is to set
focus on getting an EP or an Album
done next. With 2 mixtapes out, I
think it’s about time that people get
a full project of completely original
MT: Where do you see yourself
this time next year?
Lisa Banton: By this time next
year I hope to maybe be doing a
little traveling outside of Toronto.
Performing in different cities and/
or countries to get a feel for how
people outside of where I’m from
receive my
MT: What accomplishments
and/or awards
have you received?
Lisa Banton:
MT: How many live
To me, havperformances have
ing completed
you done?
projects are acLisa Banton: I
Couldn’t give you an
in itself. To be
exact number at all.
able to put out
I’ve been performing
2 mixtapes on
for the past 10 years
my own is pretso it’s been A LOT!
ty big to me. I
lyric is a bad one for me. It’s one
know a lot of up and coming artists
MT: Tell me about your best perof those things where no one can
who haven’t taken that step yet. I
formance. What made it the best?
be blamed but myself. What that
believe it is so necessary in order to
Lisa Banton: The first performance always boils down to is to practice initiate and sustain a real fan base.
that comes to mind when I think of and make sure I’m always on point. I Haven’t received any awards yet
my best performance wasn’t really
but I’m working on it!
mirror mirror
you got that