As an art critic, my main task is to present the work of a master
of painting to a large audience, the artist Misa Aihara. If I were young
art critic and not used to big business, this simple task would be dif-
ficult for me as I climb a very high mountain, but, fortunately, it is
not so. The artist Misa Aihara is well known by a vast Italian public,
because she is a painter who has participated in great performances
and she has obtained great prizes. My task then becomes more im-
portant, and even more intriguing, because I want to present it to the
great European public that would never expect a Japanese artist so
international and attentive to different cultures like Misa Aihara.
Already back in 2009 Misa Aihara has published a beautiful col-
lection of her works with the title FILOZOFIAS KOLOROJ and with
a trilingual structure (Japanese, English and Esperanto, the language
of all). Now I propose an anthology that is also the “descriptio
summa” of her work in recent years, a work of inspiration, concen-
tration, effort and intellectual effort of no small importance. The first
thing you need to know when trying to penetrate the art of Misa Ai-
hara is that our artist is fascinated by colors, but not in a traditional
way. The same title of any work shows us how the colors are the star-
ting point but also the goal of the artist’s work. Misa Aihara chases
the colors, detects their traces, chases them in the most unexpected
places and captures them, eventually distributing them to all of us in
her magnificent paintings. Let yourself be enchanted by her
Prof. Dr. Dr. Salvatore Costantino