minéraux et minerais jun. 2013 | Page 11


Atomic Number: 26

Atomic Weight: 55.845

Melting Point: 1811 K (1538°C or 2800°F)

Boiling Point: 3134 K (2861°C or 5182°F)

Density: 7.874 grams per cubic centimeter

Phase at Room Temperature: Solid

Element Classification: Metal

Iron is a chemical element and metal. Its chemical symbol is Fe and its atomic number is 26.

Iron is the 4th most common element in the Earth’s crust, making up around 5% of the total (usually found as iron oxide in minerals like hematite)

The name of iron is from the Angle-Saxon word iron. The chemical symbol comes from latin word for iron, ferrum.

pronounced as Eye-ern

Iron is a metallic element that is very common in our planet. They have many uses in different industries and also human body. The chemical symbol of Iron is Fe, it in category of transition elements and is rarely found in pure form.

Iron is a strong metal that is not too expensive, which is why it is commonly used in manufacturing machine tools, automobiles, hulls of large ships. It is also common in many different tools like surgical equipments and appliances.

Stainless is made of iron combined with other metals which it is also a common type of steel used in different products, they are also recyclable and is used in aircrafts and automobiles.

Extraction of Iron:

1.Concentration: Ore is crushed in crushers, in this process it is broken down to small pieces. Then it is concentrated with gravity separation process which it is washed with water to remove clay, sand, etc.

2.Calcination: The ore is heated in absence of air (calcined). It result in decomposition of carbonates into oxides and ferrous oxide is converted into Ferric Oxide.

3. Smelting: Concentrated ore is mixed with calculated quantity of coke, limestone and then the mixture is put into Blast Furnace from the top.

Iron IS...

Use for Iron:

Iron chloride is an important compound used in treating sewage systems. It is also used as dye for cloth, as a coloring agent for paints, as an additive in animal feed, and also used in manufacturing printed circuit boards.

Iron sulfate, another iron compound, is also useful in many ways. It is used to treat anemia or shortages of iron, and it is also used in treating sewage particles in water tanks.

Iron hydroxide is a compound that runs water purification systems employed in our kitchen sinks.

Iron arsenate is another important compound, it can be found in insecticides. In such a form, it help prevents different types of insects attacks in plants.

One World

- Useful products can be made from metal to enhance our lives

- Valuable revenue if the mineral or its products are exported.

- Jobs for people, especially new sources of employment in poor countries or areas of high unemployment in developed countries.

-Increase in local facilities promoted e.g. transport systems, like roads, recreational and health social facilities.

Environmental effects of iron

Most ores are mined have to be concentrated before the metal is extracted and purified, this often results in lots of waste material that must be dealt with from an environment view.

Scarring of the landscape from mining, quarrying, waste tips etc. as well as loss of wildlife habitat

Pollution from the extraction procedure, which are wastes, toxic and acidic materials could harm the water source and air.

Health effects of iron

Iron ore dust could cause different lung diseases, including lung cancer, they are the major occupational diseases among the workers of iron ore dust. However, health hazards that arise due to exposures to the ore dust vary considerably due to its variable composition in different mines. Inhaling cast iron dust include irritation to the lungs and the mucus membrane of the throat.