MINT Gallery Magazine Jan. 2018 | Page 70

As soon as you step in through the gates, the village draws you in. Each hut more intriguing than the last. If you can resist the eager calls of shopkeepers, you’ll may be able to take your time taking in the bright colours and and bold designs of paintings, crafts, textiles, décor and jewellery on display. Stop for a second and you won’t miss the clear pride each vendor takes in his/her work. It’s in this lively retreat that an important lesson is to be learned. When it comes to being ambitious, chasing dreams and all in all doing what you want; You have to claim it. 70 These words were said by a shopkeeper, a woman who sells stretchers and frames to the other artists. A person who, in her line of business, has seen artists of every class and category come and go. So it would be wise to listen. Opposite Page: Shopkeeper showing off one of his texitles.