ignoring the messenger. It is an escape route in Remember all the hours you spent in classrooms
our chaotic, traffic jammed string of existence. forging your talent in the form of lecture notes,
Everyone needs an escape route, and a safe one letters, assignments and examinations? It’s that
at that. At the end of the day, writers write not straightforward.
just to entertain their readers, but because it is
their wake up call, a thorn in their flesh and “Congratulations, you are now a professional
their safest escape route. Most importantly, it is writer.”
a form of time travel in which their ultimate goal Write that story, idea, phrase or article. You can
is survival. even rewrite that newspaper article that caught
your attention just to see if you’ll do a better job.
Thirdly; You Read therefore you write. Jokes Just write!
apart, the equation is that simple, most times Your first writings may be clumsy and ridiculed
we read things online and say to ourselves, this with errors, but they will only serve as a yardstick
should have happened this way, or what if things to show you how much better you’ve become in
happened otherwise. We write the end plots the months ahead.
of movies and books before we get to the end,
we bring up possible case scenarios, we critique This is your chance, to rewrite your own
faulty plots and story lines. More times than one history because for too long a time our stories
we are dissatisfied with how a plot ends and as a black race have been told for us. Spiced
proceed in our heads to write a worthy sequel with a lot of falsities and lacking an original
or rewrite the end in our heads. You do all these perspective.
things and don’t consider yourself a writer yet?
You are a writer already, the only difference is
Lastly; There is a popular rule referred to as the
10,000 hour rule. It states in clear terms that
before you achieve mastery of a particular field,
you have to practice for at least 10,000 hours.