MINT Gallery Magazine Jan. 2018 | Page 60

We Should All be Writers Emeka Mgbenu SO YOU THINK YOU CAN WRITE? while and get to the crux of the matter. Writing Although the cheesy one liner is a breakaway is not just moving ink on paper or whatever from a popular TV show, it’s relevance is not medium you use. Be it a diary for your eyes only, lost on us writers, we hear it in snippets of a world renowned journal or an international conversation, see it in deeper looks, feel an air journal, all writing serves a purpose. of indifference and feel it in infinitesimal pauses just after we introduce ourselves and what we Firstly, the opportunity given to us to write our do. own stories and share experiences unique to us is not one to be taken for granted. Every 60 This lurking feeling is alarmingly absent time you pick up a pen to write, you stand the in bibliophile circles, and for good reason. risk of creating something entirely unique. The Anecdotal evidence suggests that about 70% of probability that the exact string of words used what we know presently is directly and indirectly by you to communicate would be the same with gotten through the written word. another writers, who had no prior knowledge The fickle nature of man has plagued us of your work is almost impossible. For this to constantly since time immemorial, to remind happen, you both would have to have the exact ourselves from time to time of all things, hence thought process, vocabulary, perspective and our ancestors had to pass down be sharing the same brain! Like fingerprints, our instructions. A manual of sorts, embedded stories may appear similar, but are always deeply in stone. So why exactly should you start or different. continue writing? Secondly, in a world characterised by chaos, Let’s set aside the technical jargon of writing is sometimes shrugged aside. The typical prepositions and grammatical structures for a case of heeding the message but completely