Mining Mirror May 2019 | Page 40

In the stope even considering any other mining methods in their pre-feasibility and feasibility studies. Many of these projects are underground developments. There is a strong focus on West Africa, and we already have automated equipment operating in the DRC, Mali, Burkina Faso, and also in countries like Zambia and Tanzania. What is your view on older mining operations in South Africa where the conditions do not necessarily lend itself to automation and mechanisation? More than 80% of South African mines are not suitable for automation due to, firstly, the mine layout, and secondly, because of a lack of infrastructure. In other words, there are no real networks underground. Furthermore, these mines are still using traditional, non-intelligent equipment with basic functionality and limited technology onboard. To automate these mines will be very difficult. It will entail product development and massive investments to reconfigure and relook the current mining methods. However, one way to improve the productivity is through information management and data analytics. We have a complete offering that focuses on these management systems. With our OpitMine package, we take the roof off the mine and give our customer a full view, in real time, so that they can see what is happening underground. Will it be easy for these mines to suddenly change and operate an autonomous mine? No mine can just suddenly automate operations. Automation requires cultural change and a completely different way of thinking. The change is a gradual process that begins with information management. From there, mine management needs to develop a different mindset and culture, and only then can you start looking at automating the operations. If mining companies have not been through this journey, their project is likely to fail as a result of a lack of understanding of the actual requirements, a lack of supporting technology, or non-belief. So, automation is a gradual process that takes up to four or five years? Yes, but it all depends on the type of operation. What about new projects in South Africa — are they considering automation? Yes, the greenfields operations are all looking at automation. It features strongly in the feasibility study of the Platreef Platinum Project and the pre-feasibility study of the Waterberg Platinum Project. All new projects in southern Africa are also looking at automation solutions. Where do you see underground mining five years from now? Will it change a lot? Underground mining will have to change fundamentally to remain relevant. The challenge is that in the African context, especially in South Africa, the skills pool is dwindling. The only way a mining company will run an effective operation will be if it starts providing managers with tools to visualise what’s happening in mines, which will enable them to make better decisions. In the short term, the focus will have to be on information management, and in the longer term, let’s say five years plus, full automation will kick in. Even low-profile room-and-pillar mines have a future as automated operations, but it will be a process. The biggest challenge is geology. Mines do not have beautiful, flat ore bodies. Ore bodies naturally roll and dip and twist, and there are potholes and other structures. The question is how to set up network infrastructure to accommodate the requirements of automation. Ultimately, automation needs network coverage. A lot of mines are now working with network partners and suppliers to find a solution. When we do, it again opens up unlimited possibilities. Traditionally, mines have been using low- profile technology equipment without any other intelligence systems on them. If they want to automate right now, solutions are available, but they really will have to change the mining height, which has a massive impact on dilution, so it does create complications. The long and short of it is network coverage and being able to provide an effective network underground. That’s the real limitation in southern Africa at the moment. What in your view is the future of underground blasting? In my opinion, underground blasting will remain relevant, but there are certainly opportunities for mechanical cutting in certain ore bodies, though. We have worked for years with a platinum producer on a low-profile cutting machine. It mines at 1.1m and cuts 4m at a time. Our cutting technology is fairly advanced. We are also working on hard rock rapid access development machines, which will enable us to access ore bodies in hard rock environments much quicker and to put development infrastructure in place. That’s in the pipeline in the next few years. Make sure your products/services are seen by the correct target market. ADVERTISE HERE For more information contact the Sales Team on +27 (0)11 579 4940 or email [email protected]. [38] MINING MIRROR MAY 2019