Mining Mirror May 2019 | Page 21

Tim Marais, exploration manager for AfriTin Mining. style hosted in quartz veins and potentially represents a continuum of mineralisation from the Brandberg West tin-tungsten mine. No previous mechanised mining has occurred within the Goantagab license area; however, the hallmarks of vein-hosted tin, tungsten, copper, silver, and gold mineralisation occur. According to Viljoen, the initial exploration costs associated with these licenses are estimated at about GBP100 000 and do not include any exploration drilling at this stage. “We intend to implement an initial plan of sampling and mapping over the next few months with further updates being provided as appropriate,” says Viljoen. Viljoen says the acquisition of Tantalum Investment is another positive step for AfriTin in attaining their goal to consolidate African tin assets and embark on a regional expansion drive in Namibia. “During a recent exploration programme, on our new licences and in the surrounding area, we identified a number of anomalous geological targets. Some of these targets had been mined in the past and we therefore believe in the overall potential of the Damaraland area, in Namibia,” says Viljoen. “Our recent acquisitions are no more than 80km away from our flagship Uis tin mine and are therefore located in what was once a prolific tin-producing region. While bringing the Uis Mine back into production remains our primary focus, we will begin early stage exploration on these new licences, with the objective of reopening the whole region as a major tin province,” Viljoen concludes. households. AfriTin is committed to working with the relevant authorities to provide a long-term sustainable solution to the town and the mine. The unemployed portion of the population, on the other hand, hopes mining activities create opportunities and jobs. AfriTin is currently buying tin from about 10 artisanal miner groups in the region, and managing community issues in Uis will be key to ensuring a sustainable project. AfriTin’s recent acquisition of local company Tantalum Investment might prove to be an important strategic deal. Included in the deal is two exploration licenses at Brandberg West and in the Goantagab Belt, which is believed to hold substantial deposits of tin, tantalum, and other associated minerals, including lithium. Brandberg West was mined for tin and tungsten by SWACO, a subsidiary of Goldfields, from early in the 1940s to late in the 1980s. According to historical records, additional mineralisation include copper and potentially gold, although there is no indication that these minerals are economically extractable. The mine was initially an underground operation but was then open- casted due to high tungsten and tin grades in a densely populated vein swarm, which occurs against an impermeable marble layer (“Geology and alteration-mineralisation of the Brandberg West Sn-W deposit, Damara orogen, South West Africa/Namibia” in S.Afr. Tydskr. Geol. by F. Pirajno, V.F.W. Petzel, and R.E. Jacob.,1987). Recent site visits by the AfriTin team indicate that the marble layer is continuous along strike, which the directors believe attests to the potential of larger, unexploited mineralised areas. The Goantagab license has a similar, multi-element mineralisation Mine excursion The old crusher infrastructure still stands as Iscor left it. MAY 2019 MINING MIRROR [19]