Mining Mirror March 2018 | Page 37

Cradle to grave Risks of skimping on PPE I nferior personal protective equipment (PPE) in an underground operation could have a negative effect on productivity and on a mine’s bottom line. Several companies have been found skimping on the PPE they supply to their staff, resulting in growing concern amid vigorous local and international drives to promote the creation of a safe working environment. PPE refers to equipment such as protective gear, gloves, boots, helmets, and goggles. Anton Zwanepoel, business unit manager of Innovative PPE Solutions, cautions companies against being frugal when it comes to PPE. “Business owners need to alter their perception of PPE as a grudge purchase to that of an investment in employee safety. This will protect both the company and its employees, as well as lives and money in the long run,” says Zwanepoel. Poor-quality PPE can affect output and the bottom line if left unchecked. “For example, an ill-fitting conti suit can impede a worker’s ability to do his or her job properly or even result in accidents. I know of one incident where a driver wearing an ill-fitting overall hooked the cuff of his suit onto one of the poles used to hoist the sails on the side of the truck, resulting in serious injury,” says Zwanepoel. Inferior quality work boots can be more of a hindrance than an aid in the workplace. Loose soles or heels have been known to hook onto steps or equipment, also resulting in harm. In addition, employees working with welding or grinding equipment, who have been issued with inadequate safety glasses, run the risk of visual impairment should a spark penetrate the lenses. “Employees in work areas characterised by poor visibility need to be equipped with brightly coloured protective equipment. This is especially true for people working underground or at night on opencast mines where dusty conditions prevail,” Zwanepoel adds. MARCH 2018 MINING MIRROR [35]