Jan Sandler

10inch Crew

-Date of birth : 28 sept 1991

-Hometown : Jakobstad, Finland

-Bike : Honda XR50 (117cc)

I started riding 50s 5 years ago in the finnish woods with my friends. We didn’t have ramps or anything like that, just riding up and down sandpits and having fun. Next year we built a ramp and the year after we met Glenn Holmström and we all started learning tricks and building jumps together. Good times

This summer me and Glenn jumped in the car and went to France visiting friends and to get some riding done! we went to the BDR party, a really cool show/party day on top of a mountain with a lot of good riders. Later on the trip went to the FHS Jam at the sickest 50 compound I’ve ever seen! unfortunately it had been raining alot before the event so most parts of the park was too wet to ride. but we rode this really good ramp setup and some BMX dirts and everybody had alot of fun! Later when the helmets came of we had fun night at the compound with loud music, fireworks and too much alcohol. Thank you for having us Romain Veglia and Romain Picard!

When we got home from France we went to Östersund, Sweden for “The Jam”. It was a real cool show with FMX, FSX, MTB, BMX and 50’s. Other then that we have been riding at home almost every weekend. We have 3 really good spots for 50’s in the area we live, but only ramps though.

Finally i'd like to give my condolences to the friends and family of Marc Lechaptios

RIP LaChap!