Name: Tomas Barta

Age: 30

Current Ride: Masters of Dirt

Years in the game: 6 years

Show history, Comps: Masters of Dirt, IFMXF, Gladiator games Prague, Frederik Johanssons Sweet Spot All Stars Jam, Namibia Fmx show, Kings of Extreme

Favorite mini DVD: Hate us

Current Sponsors: DC, Dakine, 50Rocks

Shout Outs: Czech Republic Champion Minibike FMX 2013

MBM: How have you been? Tell us how life has been for you lately?

My business (a building company) has kept me recently quite busy. I am planning a comeback in 2014, want to ride more than this year. I will start with building a new park near my house.

MBM: How often do you still ride Minis? Who is your usual crew and where do you mainly ride?

If the weather is nice and I got time enough, I would ride every single day. My crew is 50Rocks team which means Libor Podmol, his younger brother Filip and other FMX and minibike riders from Czech Republic.

MBM: So take us back, what age were you when you first rode a show or comp? What was it?

Before I started with Minis, I rode BMX since I was 4, then I rode MX from 12 to 23. My first show was Night of the Jumps in Kattowitz, Poland in 2007.

MBM: What is your best memory from Minis?

MOD shows with legendary rider Travis Hart and my friend Radek Bilek!

MBM: Why do you think the sport of minibikes has died off in recent years?

I don’t understand why so many good riders quit riding in the States…On the other hand the situation on Minis scene has changed in Europe. Minibike is very very popular in France, also guys from Finland are very into it. I wish I to ride with Russell, Hart, Wurst, Tedder, Ness and others but unfortunately it is gone.

MBM: What is your future plans? Also where would you like to see the sport go?

I want to ride more in the skateparks and in the streets. I wish riders go for their rides to the towns to attract both more people who become fans and new riders.

MBM: Any last words?

As Travis Hart used to say – spread the love, enjoy the ride!