will agree that it wouldn’t look that great! So before
you build, make sure you make a pallet of blocks
you want to use in your build. Try and stick with
This effectively means make shapes that are
a maximum of three colours for a certain part of
interesting and odd. Be unique! The amount of
your build, for example, if I built a path, I may use
square and rectangular builds I see justs bores
some brown, green and grey blocks. The most
me... Try spice things up a bit. If you are working
important thing in your pallet is texture. Make sure
on a wall for example, don’t split your wall into
you use plain and complex textured blocks and lay
horizontal lines so your build looks like Waldo’s hat!
them out before you start. For example, cobble
has quite a detailed texture so that can be used to
Use funky shapes like curls. There’s no formula
break up large simple shapes. The more variety in
to it, just experiment with different shapes and
texture, the more interesting your build will be.
dont forget, if you dont like it you can always break
what you have made and start again. I often find it
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