MMORPGs these days are a dime a dozen. They’re
everywhere in every possible setting that you can
think of, with every type of monetisation model.
Hello all, and welcome to the first issue of
Unless you’ve been living under a rock for a few
the Minecraft Community Magazine!
years, you’ve more than likely seen Minecraft,
or at least heard of it. But for the sake of those
If you’re new to GameOn, you’re probably
who haven’t, I will run through the basics.
wondering what all of this is about. The GameOn
Magazine produce a series of free magazines
Minecraft is a sandbox game made entirely of square
made entirely by the community, and we’ve
blocks. The art style is very minimalistic (which can
recently blocked out into Minecraft.
be improved with mods/shaders), and your goal is
simple; survive. Many players consider defeating
2 // Minecraft Community Magazine
The GameOn Magazine