MMORPGs these days are a dime a dozen. They’re
everywhere in every possible setting that you can
think of, with every type of monetisation model.
Do you need to solve that itch for a good
surface. On the planet, you have to survive and
adventure map? Then Planetary Confinement,
keep track of more than usual; thirst and body
by samasaurus6, is right up your alley. This user
temperature meters are now added in. Additionally,
has created a revolutionary map that takes basic
space rifts can open on top of your base, sending
Minecraft and brings it to a whole new level.
crazy creatures resembling Silverfish after you. A
sandstorm could happen, limiting your visibility to
You’re a space explorer who gets stranded on
nearly nothing. Your only hope is to take down what
an alien planet when your ship crashes on the
comes for you with your trusty Redstone Rifle.
12 // Minecraft Community Magazine
The GameOn Magazine