Mindset Self-Defense Volume 1, Issue 5 - The Skin Deep Issue | Page 8
From the Editor
Skin Deep
We have all heard the phrase "Beauty Is Skin Deep." That cliche sends my mind
swirling with questions such as "What is Beauty", "How deep is beauty," and
"What else is skin deep?"
In my mind there are so many aspects to beauty, it is hard to address them all.
Certainly the contours of the face, a soft smile, and the curvature of the body, are
almost universally regarded as beautiful and have inspired paintings, music and
literature throughout time. Consider also the sensation of touch. I am a big fan of
communicating by touch, (those who know me know how I react to a great
massage!) However, consider touching the skin of a baby, or that of your lover, and
the feeling of the ocean as waves break over one's feet. Those sensations are
Beauty elicits emotion, and emotion elitcits response. Usually, one's reponse is an
action to continue the experience of that which one finds beautiful. For example,
when you see a pretty or handsome face, you may repeat your glance to experience
the desired sensation again or reach out for a repeated touch of the baby's soft skin.
However, for some, the experience of beauty elicits very harmful emotions such as
jealousy, resentment, anger and may result in hositily. Some, who have known little
beauty in their lives or have had beauty destroyed, respond violently to the power
that beauty is and the power that they lacked in their prior circumstances. This is
In our Skin Deep issue, we will explore various topics that reside below the surface.
We will touch on energy in our Primal Move feature and Wandering Warrior
column, domestic violence from trauma specialists in the "Domestic Violence and
Brainwashing" feature, learn about defense in our "Blade Basics" feature as well as a
myriad of other powerful topics.
Defending your beauty and power, both inside and out, is what we are all about at
Mindset Self-Defense. There are a million ways to experience beauty in your life, and
you deserve to enjoy each and every one of them in safety and empowerment each
and every day.
Kris Costa
Mindset Self-Defense Magazine
Kris Costa